Capability settings does not apply to all vendors in one group

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Groups & Staffs Capability settings does not apply to all vendors in one group

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    • #124725

      I don’t know if I’m missing something here but whenever I change something in group capabilities it does not apply to all vendors in that group.

      Vendors are assigned to the same group/membership so capabilities should be the same for all member in that group right?

      But on one vendor it doesn’t apply.
      Also that vendor doesn’t have the option in his dashboard to hide address, email, etc.

      Please see attachments to see my settings and the difference between two different vendors in one group.

      Thank you

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    • #124782
      Molay Das


      If a vendor is assigned to two different groups and in one group a particular capability is set to “ON” mode and in another group it is set to “OFF” mode then that particular capability will be “OFF” for that vendor.
      Can you please check whether that one particular vendor is assigned to any other group or not?


    • #124960

      Can you please check whether that one particular vendor is assigned to any other group or not?

      Both vendors are assigned to the same group (Att. 1)

      I turned off another capability (Voorwaarden = Policies) and saved. Now it’s also not applied to Vendor 1 (Att. 2)

      So I made a new vendor(3) and assigned to the same group.
      No SEO there in Vendor dashboard but Voorwaarden still visible. (Att. 3)

      So I logged out (mind you I always test vendors in incognito mode) and cleared all caches just to be sure.
      After that I again logged in on vendor 1, than vendor 2, and than vendor 3.
      Vendor 3 also has no option to turn off Voorwaarden. (Att.4)
      But look what happens when I logged out from vendor 3 and logged in again on vendor 1.
      Now vendor 1 suddenly have also no option to turn of Voorwaarden while vendor 2 and 3 stays the same when logging in again.

      But it’s still getting weirder.
      Please have a look at follow up topic.

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    • #124965

      Follow up:

      Now suddenly Vendor 1 has on his address N/A although I cleared and saved this on his profile while vendor 2 and vendor 3 have not. (Att. 5)

      It’s all just not making any sense to me anymore. (Att. 6)

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    • #125047

      Hi it’s me again.
      I think I know what the problem is. At least a part of it.

      Would you please be so kind to show me, or point me to an original and preferred English screenshot of the part in my attachment of Capabilities of Groups?
      I think not all of the problems will be solved with that but there are a lot of problems coming from the Dutch translations that comes with the plugins.

      Thank you

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    • #125049

      Never Mind.
      Translation and saving problems solved.
      This was a translation issue.

      I’ve removed and installed Ultimate and Groups & Staff again, deleted vendors and created new ones.
      Now I wil try again with fresh vendors for the other problem.

    • #125093

      All seems fine now after reinstalling both plugins.
      Both vendors now have the same opportunities to hide things like email, phone, address, etc. from their store front.
      Also the N/A is gone on address.

      The problem stays however with the Dutch translations. With all due respect to the translator but these are very confusing for Dutch readers.
      For instance in group Capability Control the ‘Gallery Image’ is translated (in Ultimate) as ‘Geef de hoogte van de afbeelding galerie aan.’
      When you translate this Dutch sentence in English it means: ‘Indicate the height of the image gallery’.

      So that’s why I couldn’t find Gallery Image a few weeks ago when Sushobhan helped me with restrict Galley Images for free membership.
      I hate to say this but maybe it’s better you leave the Dutch translation out of it the next time and just add a plain English and untranslated .po file
      Most Dutch people and especially web developers know English very well so it shouldn’t be a problem to understand and translate themselves.

      Still love your plugins though.

      Thank you.

    • #125181
      Molay Das


      Thanks for the appreciation.
      Glad to hear that it’s working perfect for you now.
      For translation issues please use “Loco Translate” plugin (


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