Permalinks, Registration and "Sold by"

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    • #63999

      Good day

      I have searched high and low for answers to the following issues I’m having, but I haven’t found the right answers. I hope that you might be able to help me.

      I’ve installed WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace, WCFM – WooCommerce Frontend Manager (free) and WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Membership. Before installing your products I tried out Dokan as well as WCMp.

      1. Vendor store name in url

      I’m building a multivendor store where vendors will most probably have products with the same name. For this reason, I would like to have the vendor store name in the permalink so that identical products won’t have a number added to their url. Products are added to four categories, so at the moment the structure is /category/product. I would like it to be /category/vendor/product, or /vendor/category/product would be fine too.

      Is there any value that could be added to the permalink structure, such as adding %vendor_store% or anything like that?
      I have enabled ‘Product Multi-vendor’ under Marketplace Settings.

      The theme I’m using is Woodstock by Themash Design.

      2. Vendor registration
      Is the a way to set the default vendor role as ‘Shop Vendor’ and not just ‘Vendor’? Or would I have to do this manually?

      3. ‘Sold by’ position on product listings
      I have set ‘Sold By Position’ to the required position on product pages but is there a way to change where it appears on listings (on pages that show all products in a category)? Right now it’s under the product photo and I would like to move it down to under the short description.

      4. Issues caused by previous multivendor plugins
      Would you recommend running the migration tool in order to get rid of redundant database entries or settings that might interfere with the way WCfM operates? Would this override and reset everything I’ve done so far? Right now everything seems to be running well with registration etc.

      Please respond at your earliest convenience

    • #64231
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      1. Vendor store name in url

      I’m building a multivendor store where vendors will most probably have products with the same name. For this reason, I would like to have the vendor store name in the permalink so that identical products won’t have a number added to their url. Products are added to four categories, so at the moment the structure is /category/product. I would like it to be /category/vendor/product, or /vendor/category/product would be fine too.

      – We have to check this whether this will support by WordPress or not!

      2. Vendor registration
      Is the a way to set the default vendor role as ‘Shop Vendor’ and not just ‘Vendor’? Or would I have to do this manually?

      – No, you do not have set this manually. If you have enabled “Vendor Approval” option then you have to approve application then user role will automatically change to “Store Vendor”. Between, you previously had “Dokan” and WCMp and their “vendor” user role still their, don’t confuse with those.

      3. ‘Sold by’ position on product listings
      I have set ‘Sold By Position’ to the required position on product pages but is there a way to change where it appears on listings (on pages that show all products in a category)? Right now it’s under the product photo and I would like to move it down to under the short description.

      – It’s possible. By default WC product catalog page does not show product short description, but your theme showing this.

      4. Issues caused by previous multivendor plugins
      Would you recommend running the migration tool in order to get rid of redundant database entries or settings that might interfere with the way WCfM operates? Would this override and reset everything I’ve done so far? Right now everything seems to be running well with registration etc.

      – Well, if you want to use previously created vendor users then only run migration tool. If it’s test then just delete those old vendors to cleanup database.

      Thank You

    • #65691

      Thank you very much for your reply.

      About #1 above:
      I would very much like to find a way before I add more products and vendors. Is there no way to set it in WCfM? If not /vendor-name/ then maybe as a code/number in the url for each vendor? If WordPress doesn’t currently support it then it might take a long time before they do.

      About #3 above:
      Should I wait for this to be addressed by your developers, or is it not something that will be addressed soon? I would like to change the font size of it too. The quickest solution might be to change its position in the php file (for product listings), but I’m not sure where or how.

      – When I remove the ‘Store default logo’ image, it still shows up in the short description as well as on the product page.

      I would like to find out what the time frame might be before these issues might be solved. Are they issues that might be addressed by your developers in the near future, or are they not a priority for you right now? If they are not common issues then I would have to change my plans.

      Thanks again

    • #65824
      WCFM Forum


      When I remove the ‘Store default logo’ image, it still shows up in the short description as well as on the product page.

      – Disable store logo with “Sold By” you have to add this line –

      add_filter( 'wcfmmp_is_allow_sold_by_logo', '__return_false' );

      Which theme you are using for the site?

      I would like to find out what the time frame might be before these issues might be solved. Are they issues that might be addressed by your developers in the near future, or are they not a priority for you right now? If they are not common issues then I would have to change my plans.

      – Well, these are not issues. This only matter whether WP will support this or not !

      Thank You

    • #65840

      The theme I’m using is Woodstock by Themash Design.

      Where do I add that add_filter line?

      The permalink thing is an issue for me at the moment. I have searched for a long time trying to figure out what I can do but there are no answers. Have other users not had this problem when enabling ‘single product multiple seller’? What happens to the url when a second vendor adds the same product with the same name?

    • #65879

      To clarify – I do want ‘Sold by’ to be visible on the product page, but not on the listing page, where my theme shows it in the short description.

      ..and one more: How do I disable the site menu in the vendor dashboard? I only want the site logo and the dashboard to be visible.

    • #66029
      WCFM Forum


      To clarify – I do want ‘Sold by’ to be visible on the product page, but not on the listing page, where my theme shows it in the short description.

      – Please disable this option form WCFM Admin Setting -> Marketplace Setting –

      ..and one more: How do I disable the site menu in the vendor dashboard? I only want the site logo and the dashboard to be visib

      – Please disable this option form WCFM Admin Setting -> Marketplace Setting –

      Thank You

    • #66965

      Hi again

      Back to this previous question, and the reply I got:

      I’m building a multivendor store where vendors will most probably have products with the same name. For this reason, I would like to have the vendor store name in the permalink so that identical products won’t have a number added to their url. Products are added to four categories, so at the moment the structure is /category/product. I would like it to be /category/vendor/product, or /vendor/category/product would be fine too.

      – We have to check this whether this will support by WordPress or not!

      – Is there no suggestion you could make to help me differentiate between products with the same name, other than WordPress’ default ‘/product-2’ addition to the url?
      – Should I use an SKU and make that part of the url?

      Lastly, how do I temporarily disable vendor registration? I would like to hide the ‘Become a Vendor’ link without hiding it in the css.

    • #66978

      Why is there no permastructure for vendor name or vendor id?
      I’ve found the following by testing out a plugin called Permalink Manager Lite:
      %wcfm_knowledgebase%, %wcfm_notice%, %wcfm_memberships% .. but nothing to add a vendor identifier to a product’s url.
      How do multi vendor shops usually differentiate products with the same name, or if ‘single product multi vendor’ is enabled, how does one create meaningful urls?

      Please help!

    • #67339

      Please respond to the above questions, or let me know whether I need to upgrade to Ultimate to get better support.

    • #67542
      WCFM Forum


      Well, tell me one thing – how vendors will going to create same name product? Using “Add to My Store Catalog”, or they will add manually?

      If they will do this using “Add to My Store Catalog” then we can do one thing, generate new product slug by appending that vendor’s store name, then it will not look like ‘/product-2’

      Thank You

    • #67543
      WCFM Forum


      I got a solution for your requirement.

      Please set /%author%/ as product URL base from wp-admin -> Setting -> Permalink –

      And add this code to your child theme’s functions.php –

      add_filter( 'post_type_link', function( $post_link, $post, $leavename, $sample ) {
      	if( 'product' != get_post_type($post) )
      		return $post_link;
      	$authordata = get_userdata($post->post_author);
      	$author     = $authordata->user_nicename;
      	$post_link  = str_replace('%author%', $author, $post_link);
      	return $post_link;
      }, 50, 4 );

      Thank You

      • #89118

        i want to do exactly the same thing, but when i try, the product page stop working, any solution?

    • #69693
      WCFM Forum

      Test reply!!

    • #69712


    • #126542

      I need the same, but the code seems not to be working any more. Got a 404 error for all pages.

    • #139519

      Vendor store name in product url
      – I am looking for the same solution because of (1) the duplicate product slug problem eg name-2, name-3, name-4 and also because (2) vendor prefers to have their store in the URL

      Are there any solutions?

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