Food Products ? Booster Plugin (WooCommerce Product Availability by Time) ?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request Food Products ? Booster Plugin (WooCommerce Product Availability by Time) ?

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  • Author
    • #26788


      Is there any idea how to list product as food (Restaurant Store) ? food can be ordered at specific time of the day only ?

      Maybe can use Booster Plugin Add-On ? check this

      It will be a good addition.


    • #26854
      WCFM Forum


      Frankly I have never tested this before.

      But I think you can integrate this easily using WCfM Product Custom field.

      Thank You

    • #26856


      I can make product not able to be bought at certain times ?

    • #26956
      WCFM Forum


      You may try this plugin and integrate using WCfM Custom field.

      Thank You

    • #27356


      I have a good idea to make stores act like restaurants.

      1- Edit vacation section or add similar section to vacation.

      2- Add Date & Times for a store to be closed, maybe just select Days & Time instead of Date & Time,

      3- Extra Addition : Maybe add open and close times in single product page

      Now restaurants can sell food only when they’re open! a feature no other multivendor plugin has

      Thank You

    • #27394
      WCFM Forum


      I understand your concept.

      Now, it’s very easy to setup such fields using WCfM custom fields and you may also show those in Single Product page.

      If you want to disable product purchase according to those time then you have to add some custom code on WC filter – woocommerce_is_purchasable

      Thank You

    • #27396


      Yes I’ve tried custom fields but it will only show fields, I only have issue with not making the product purchasable at times vendor choose.

      Is it possible that you help me configure WCfM custom fields and connect it with this filter WC filter – woocommerce_is_purchasable so vendors can choose when this item can be purchased ?

      Note : think the Vacation concept is way better, because the vendor have to do it 1 time only, but with WCfM custom fields vendor has to do it with every product !

      If i’m wrong please let me know.

      Thank You.

    • #27430
      WCFM Forum


      Vacation concept is better but still you will have product specific requirement.

      Take you example, restaurant and food. It’s possible one item available only in lunch and another in dinner. Now you have to different available time.

      Well, I will give you “woocommerce_is_purchasable” code. Some me screenshot, what you have created using WCfM custom field, I have to know those meta names.

      Thank You

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