WCfM – Membership not calculate commission

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership WCfM – Membership not calculate commission

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    • #24906

      My website has 5 way to set up vendor commissions;
      1. WP Dashboard/WCMp/Settings/Payment Settings/Commission Value
      2. WP Dashboard/Users Page/Commission Amount
      3. WP Dashboard/Products/Categories/Commission
      4. WP Dashboard/Products/Edit Product/Product data/Vendor/Commission
      5. WCfM Dashboard/Memberships/%Commission/Commission Value

      No.1,2,3,4 = calculated normal.
      No.5 = WCfM-Membership function part does not calculate the vendor commission.

      What did I do wrong?
      How to solve this?


    • #24910

      No.1-4 calculated normally.

    • #24915
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM Membership commission is nothing but – 2. WP Dashboard/Users Page/Commission Amount

      Can you please once for that vendor – is commission set in it’s profile or not?

      Now calculation is still controlled by WC Marketplace, WCfM Membership just set vendor wise commission.

      Thank You

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