Save button hidden and slow to process registration

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Membership Save button hidden and slow to process registration

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    • #21628
      spins for a really really long time before it accepts the registration and goes to the next step.
      Can you tell me what is happening during this step that would take so long. i’m afraid ppl would just leave thinking the site is broken

      Also, the save button is stuck in the bottom right corner and the “scroll to top” hovers over that and I can’t click Save button. The bottom mobile menu hovers over the save button as well and so i can’t save from a mobile device either. How can i move that save button?


    • #21824
      WCFM Forum


      Save button – You may disable this Float button type from WCfM admin setting -> Dashboard -> Disable Float Button

      “spins for a really really long time before it accepts the registration and goes to the next step.” – can you please check is there any error in browser console or not?

      Thank You

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