Product display in vendor store

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  • Author
    • #50328
      Richard van der Walt


      Somehow the product display in my various vendor stores is messed up. It does not just show their products but other non-related products as well.
      The products are assigned to the specific vendor. Everything was perfect until it all changed. Not sure if I messed up some setting or how to fix this so only the specific products related to each vendor show in his store

      Please help

    • #50355
      WCFM Forum


      What is showing in Store pages? All products?

      Thank You

    • #50650

      I am currently having similar issues. The products displays fine in the shop page except that they are all showing 0 out of 5 on under the store name. I am also having a problem on the vendors page with only one product in each row show descending.

      product 1
      product 2
      product 3

      instead of
      product 1 product 2 product 3

    • #50656

      I am also trying to upgrade to the wcfm u license it i am being redirected to the same page.

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