Working with listify?

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    • #37074


      I have bought the Listify theme and now I am wondering how to allow the listing owners to modify their product/listing through the front end and not having to log in wordpress. My website is about rentals and each user can add their own rentals through adding a listing (similar to airbnb). Listify is using wp-job-manager-products to link a listing to a product. The product is marked as bookable.

      Basically what I am trying to achieve is to have my listing owners set their price when creating a listing and then be able to view/modify their calendars, accept or reject listings right from their account page in my site, which is not possible currently.

      Would this be possible with WC Frontend Manager?

      Thank you,

    • #37093
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch wit us.

      You may off course do all these using WCFM and WCFM Ultimate (

      WCFM has a special module for the purpose as well –

      Thank You

    • #37110

      Thank you very much for the answer, could you please tell me if there is some tutorial how to set it up with listify. I found this downloadable file, but I could not understand what it does.

      Thank you,

    • #37186
      WCFM Forum


      You don’t have to setup anything, just install plugins and WCFM will auto-setup everything for you. – this is not required for the purpose.

      Thank You

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