WC bookings search by location

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Bookings WC bookings search by location

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  • Author
    • #25162

      I love your plugin.
      I am working with WC bookings + WCVendors + WCFM
      I need to be able to add a search form to the main website to allow customers to find appointments near them. I don’t believe that WC bookings has anywhere to add address or location for bookable products. Does WCFM add any location type fields that can help me with this?

      I was looking at your demo that uses WC appointments with WC marketplace and that seemed to have an address option for appointable products but it came up with a message to save the product to add to map but then didn’t allow after I’d published it.

      I am fine to switch to WC appointments if it will allow me to search by location.


    • #25164
      WCFM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      I think GEO my WP will be the only possibly solution or this – https://wordpress.org/plugins/geo-my-wp/

      Well, WC Booking or WC Appointment – none has support of map or search by location.

      Thank You

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