Facing in issue in adding existing product from front-end

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Marketplace Facing in issue in adding existing product from front-end

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  • Author
    • #14882
      Sharmila Aneja


      I’m using Frontend Manager plugin for my store. When a vendor wants to sell an existing product from shop, there is no auto suggestion in front end add section of product manager.
      When I add product from wp-admin backend, the auto suggestion of existing product comes up, but not in front end.
      Am I doing something wrong, or there is no functionality of autosuggestion in front end.

      Waiting for your reply.

      Sharmila Aneja

    • #14884
      Shhiv Narayan


      Thanks for get in touch with us and it’s pleasure to know that you are using WCFM.

      But, you have WC Marketplace as multi-vendor plugin and not WC Product Vendors, if I am not wrong!!

      WCMp has a feature called “Single product multiple vendor” – if you enable this then users will have suggestion when the start type product title.
      But it’s not suggestion, it’s for creating associated product of that existing!!

      In WCFM we didn’t integrate that feature yet, it’s quite problematic till now. Specially WC shop search not properly works!!

      So we are waiting for the fixes, as WCMp come with the resolved version we will also integrate that in WCFM and vendors will have suggestion in product title.

      Just to mention, WCMp frontend manager also not support this feature yet!!

      Please know me if you have any further queries.

      Thank You

    • #14890
      Sharmila Aneja

      Hello Shhiv,

      Thanks for the reply.

      You are right, I’m using WC Marketplace as multi-vendor. Will it solve the problem If I use WC Vendors as multi vendor.
      I just want to sell same product with multiple vendors and I read somewhere that WC Market place is providing this feature.
      If I’m not wrong you are talking about this https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-vendors/ plugin.

      Sharmila Aneja

    • #14896
      Shhiv Narayan


      Yeah you are absolutely right, WC Marketplace has such a feature. More to mention, only WC Marketplace offer such a feature.
      Please don’t your marketplace plugin.

      Actually I am talking about https://woocommerce.com/products/product-vendors/

      Anyway that’s not relevant, we will add this feature in WCFM very soon.

      Please keep in touch, I will inform you.

      Thank You

    • #14960
      Sharmila Aneja

      Hello Shhiv,

      Ok I’m waiting for this feature.

      Meanwhile I’ll do customization to the plugin as per my need. Can I overwrite the views files of the plugin from my theme?


    • #14965
      WCFM Forum


      No, that is not possible for WCFM.

      But there is more that enough hooks and filters to do anything.

      Kindly check those views you want to modify, if you need more and any specific one then we are also happy to add those as well.

      Between, please go through WCFM developer’s guide to know more how to customize this in your way – http://wclovers.com/documentation/developers-guide/

      Please know me if you want any assistance.

      Thank You

    • #14973
      Sharmila Aneja


      Thanks for the reply. I’ll let you know if I need any help or particular hooks to customize.


    • #14974
      WCFM Forum

      Yeah sure, feel free to reach me anytime.

      Thank You

    • #15066
      WCFM Forum


      I have changed it’s group to “WC Marketplace” as this feature is related to WCMp only!!

      Thank You

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