Phone and Logo not loaded in standard WP User Profile

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Vendors Phone and Logo not loaded in standard WP User Profile

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    • #10947

      Two more questions, please
      1) There’s “Phone” field in Profile tab, the vendor can fill in. But WordPress User Profile doesn’t have “Phone” field available.
      2) Vendor can upload his Logo, but again there’s no such a field in WP User, just Avatar (but the uploaded Logo is not loaded in Avatar).
      What do you suggest to get the vendor’s phone and Logo to WP User profile (standard or advanced)?
      Thank you,

    • #10948
      WCFM Forum

      Hi Nataly,

      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      Yeah you are right, those two fields are not part of WC Vendors.

      WC Vendors does not support any store logo, only store bannar.

      But in WCfM Dashboard (at left top corner) supports logo so we kept that field.

      Its not also possible to map with WP avatar as WP avatar loads from outside as per email address (gravatar).

      Phone field is really extra, WCfM is also not using this. But other multivendor plugins supports a vendor phone no so we have kept it for WC Vendors as well.

      Hope fully WC Vendors will support these fields in near future.

      If you really don’t like these fields then those can be very easily remove from profile page.

      If you need any assistance to do that please share with us.

      Thank You

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