How can I control vendor coupon access capability?

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Vendors How can I control vendor coupon access capability?

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  • Author
    • #359

      As I have install your Ultimate version now my vendors get create/edit coupon vapability. But I don’t want to provide them coupon access right now. How can I disable that?

      I am not using WC Vendors Pro as your plugin is enough to manage my marketplace along with WC Vendors free version, but WC vendors Free also don’t provide any option to control vendors Coupon access capability.

      Please suggest, its really important for me and want a solution very urgently.

      Thank you

    • #363

      Hi Abiodun,

      Really glad to know that our plugin is useful for your requirement and you dont’t even need to insall WC Vendors Pro.

      I understand your concern and pass to our development team. Hopefully you will get option to control vendor coupon capability under WCMP Settings page.

      Thank You
      Team WC Lovers

    • #377

      Hi Abiodun,

      Pleasure to inform you that we have already updated our plugin and now you have full control over Vendors coupon capability. Please check wp-admin dashboard -> WCFM Options, hope this will heplful for you.

      If you have any further query or issue then please feel free to contact us.

      Thank You
      Support WC Lovers

    • #384

      Thanks WC Lovers team.
      Its a great plugin and I am really happy to use it. Hope you will enrich your plugin in coming days in many ways.

      Keep good work.


    • #386
      WC Lovers

      Hi Abiodun,

      Hope your all issues and concerns have carefully taken care off. If you are fully satisfied then please convey your happiness and satisfaction to the WC Lovers community(and of course the WC Lovers Team!) members with our most coveted treasure, a 5/5 rating on the plugin page.

      If you have further any quiries then feel free contact us any time.

      Thank You
      Team WC Lovers

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