Upgrade to Ultimate

We're shifting our Forum based support to a more dedicated support system!

We'll be closing our Forum support from 10th June, 2020 and move to Email Support assistance.

  • If you are a WCFM premium add-ons user, contact us- here
  • Want to know more before buying our add-ons? Send Pre sale queries- here
  • If you are a WCFM free user, please open a support ticket at WordPress.org
  • For WCFM App related queries, reach us- here
From now the forum will be read-only!

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    • #16078


      Sorry, basic question but I am new to WP. I have the WCFM free version installed and just purchased and downloaded the Ultimate Version. How should I go about upgrading the existing free version to the ultimate and will the data entered so far still be there or not?

      Thanks a lot.


    • #16079


      Thanks for get in touch with us and it’s great to know that you have upgraded your WCfM.

      It’s quite easy to upgrade WCfM as WCfM Ultimate is nothing but another separate WP Plugin.

      Please follow the below steps –
      1. Logged in to wclovers.com
      2. Go to your my-account dashboard
      3. Find API downloads tab
      4. Download your WCFM Ultimate plugin zip
      5. Go to your WordPress dashboard -> plugins -> Add new
      6. Find Upload plugin (at top of the page beside main heading)
      7. Upload downloaded zip and press install now
      8. On next screen click on Activate Plugin
      9. You are done

      For Activating License –
      1. Go to your WP dashboard
      2. Find for WCFM License menu (possibly last on your left menu items)
      3. Get into it
      4. Filled up data and click Save
      5. You are done.

      Feel free to reach us anytime for any assistance.

      Thank you

    • #16105

      Perfect. Thank you so much.

      Is it correct, that both plugins (WCFM & WCFM Ultimate) have to stay active in the WP in order to function?

      Thanks again,


    • #16144
      Shhiv Narayan


      Both plugins are required.

      WCFM free is core and base plugin. Others are add-ons of that.

      So you have to keep both.

      Don’t worry about site load, it loads only one and others just add support elements at the run time.

      Thank you

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