Dashboard settings (small amendments)

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Dashboard settings (small amendments)

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    • #13898

      I apologies for creating this topic again, I originally posted it in the wrong section (WC Marketplace). Actually my questions if about WCFM which is working with WC Marketplace. See below my questions.

      Thanks again!

      I really like your solution and I have the following questions:

      1. If I understand correctly, the plugin follows this scenario: the vendors are selling goods on the website, the owner is receiving the payments, he keeps a % commission for himself and he passes the balance on to the vendors.
      2. In my case the vendors will receive their payments and I only want to charge them commission on each sale. Therefore I would like to make some amendments on the dashboard as it is a bit confusing the way it is: the home page of the dashboard is currently showing 4 items: net sales (after the website owner’s commission), commission in last 7 days (which is zero for the vendors and the % for the website owner), items and orders.

      What I would like to amend is: item 1 to show the gross amount of the sales (including the commission), item 2 to show the commission that the vendor owes the website owner, items 3 and 4 are OK as they don’t affect the changes in the scenario (as far as I can see). The dashboard of the website owner is not very important as it will not be available for users. I just need to be able to create reports with the correct commission amounts for each vendor, but I assume this is already available.

      Many thanks in advance for your support!

      Best regards,

    • #13900
      WCfM Forum


      Thanks for get in touch with us.

      That will be not an issue, can you please confirm one thing – are you using WC Marketplace as Vendor Plugin for your site?

      As far I understand, you have set Admin Fees instead of Vendor Commission, right!!

      I just want to confirm you that, what you want is absolutely possible. But by default there is no such Settings, a small tweaks require to achieve this.

      If I send you a custom code for this will you able to integrate through child theme? Or I should create a separate Custom Plugin for this, then you have to just install that!!

      Please know me which will be better for you.

      Thank You

    • #13902


      Many thanks for your prompt reply.

      On your questions:
      – I am using WC Marketplace
      – Yes, at the moment I have set Admin fees instead of Vendor Commission
      – I am not quite confident if I will be able to integrate customer code through the WP theme, I will do my best :). I assume I just need to paste the code into the “Custom css field”?

      If you think that creating a new plugin would be easier, please do so. I just don’t want you to spend too much time on it, that’s all.

      Many thanks again for your prompt and useful reply!


    • #13903
      WCfM Forum


      Well fine, that will be not an issue at all.

      I will send you a custom Plugin soon.

      Thank You

    • #13904

      Perfect, thanks!

    • #13906

      Meanwhile, another question that has arisen just now: as the vendors will manage the orders/payments themselves and I will only charge commission, I would like the vendors to be able to change the status of their orders (dispatched, completed etc). Would that be possible through the front-panel?

      Many thanks again!

    • #13907

      Also, when I try to change the status of the order from the back-end panel (admin) I get the following error message:

      Fatal error: Call to a member function wcfm_send_direct_message() on null in /home/xxxxxx/websitename/wp-content/plugins/wc-frontend-manager/core/class-wcfm-vendor-support.php on line 403

    • #13908
      WCfM Forum


      I am just checking that error, definitely fix by the next update.

      Vendor order status update – we have intentionally disabled this for vendors.

      Just think for a moment, a customer may choose 3 differet products from 3 different vendors and place the order. Now which vendor will responsible for mark that order completed ??

      But, if your site has such a setup to accept a order for only one product then it will possible. Kindly know me, then I will enable that for you.

      Thank You

    • #13914

      Yes, that makes sense. However, I still would like the customers to be notified when their order has been shipped/completed. The website owner wouldn’t know when the vendors shipped their goods in order to change the status to dispatched or completed. It’s difficult for the admin to ask all vendors to send him a notification that the order has been completed, so he can mark it as such from the back-end.
      Perhaps I should be looking at something that allows the customer to place an order with only one vendor. If he wants to order from another vendor, then he needs to place a new order. This sounds like a solution, and in this case it should be OK to allow vendors to change status of the orders.
      Any advise from you as professionals will be highly appreciated.

      Thanks again!

    • #13915
      WCfM Forum


      Yes, your point is absolutely Right. It’s truly difficult for Admin to track whether a order totally delivered by all Vendors or not!

      Between, did you checked that, WCfM shipment tracking –

      It will take care of shipping and it’s notifications, don’t worry about that.

      But to mark an order complete by a vendor, the only solution is to restrict one order one product.

      Thank You

    • #13922

      Looks like a perfect solution, thanks! Let’s do it step by step, I am sure there will be a solution for everything.
      Looking forward to see your plugin with the small amendments as per my initial request.

      Have a nice day!

    • #13923
      WCfM Forum


      I just want to inform you that, we have decided that display change in dashboard will be part part of WCfM core.

      For any time first block will show Total gross sell for a vendor for 7 days.

      In second block, if settings is as commission then it will show commission earned for 7 days. And if it is Admin fee then display paid commision for 7 days.

      Hope this will cover your requirement as well, please know me if you have anything else in mind.

      Thnaks for raising this point, it will more helpful and contextual as well.

      Thank You

    • #13928


      Thanks for the update. And how can I implement this feature, just to wait for the next update?

      Thanks again!


    • #13932
      Shhiv Narayan


      Yes, please wait a bit.
      WCFM next update will come by tomorrow and this feature will be part of this.

      Thank You

    • #13943

      Perfect, thank you!

    • #13960
      Shhiv Narayan

      Hi I,

      WCfM 3.1.7 has just released.
      Kindly update yours and take a look.

      PFA for changes have done.

      Please know is this fine for you or not!!

      Thank You

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