Delivery not Working

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  • Author
    • #46773
      Hani Amer

      Hi 🙂

      After installation the plugin of delivery it seems not synchronized with order as not showing anything about orders to be delivered or to be assigned with delivery boy.

      Please check the below link:

    • #46824
      WCFM Forum


      I think your site’s shipping is missing, or ordered products are not require shipment!

      Look, none of the orders has Shipping Address.

      Try with a physical product order and also setup shipping first.

      Well, without shipment delivery boy has nothing to do.

      Thank You

    • #46830
      Hani Amer


      Thanks for your quick response,

      Now I want once my clients placing any order Automatic assign the delivery boy, as every order i have to assign the delivery, despite that i choose the vendor name but still not automatic.

    • #46831
      WCFM Forum


      Sorry, delivery boy never assign automatically.

      Admin or vendors have to assign this manually to the orders.

      Thank You

    • #46842
      Hani Amer

      Thanks for letting me know :)) and thanks for your support

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