Add delivery location as shipping address in order

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Viewing 4 reply threads
  • Author
    • #137380

      Good evening,
      using the shipping by distance option how can I use the address from the delivery locations field in checkout page as shipping address in order?
      Forgive my bad english.

    • #141050
      jason jimenez

      Me too i want to have that option too :/

    • #141239
      WCFM Forum

      You may disable “Shipping Address”, but billing address is essential. Without this WooCommerce will not allow to place order.

      Set this option form WooCommerce Setting – Shipping – Shipping Options –

      • #141440

        thanks for the reply.
        Is it possible to use the address in delivery location as shipping address in order?
        I don’t want to disable the shipping information in checkout page because customer may have to make order with different billing and shipping addresses.
        Thanks in advance

    • #141367

      Wishlist – shouldn’t be for product but should be for vender ex: customer can save a vender which they like NOT the product like

    • #145695

      thanks for the reply.
      Is it possible to use the address in delivery location as shipping address in order?
      I don’t want to disable the shipping information in checkout page because customer may have to make order with different billing and shipping addresses.
      Thanks in advance

      any update about this?

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