Capability problem

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    • #65987


      I have unset some capabilities for Vendors, which can be edited only by Admin.
      e.g. Vendor can not edit stock management and this value should be managed by admin only.
      But when Vendor edits and saves product (e.g. price, description ….) stock attributes are cleared for product.
      So when Admin set stock quantities for variable product and Vendor edits product price, then stock management is unset from product.

      How to proceed with issue ?



    • #66167


      Also I found when I uncheck “Delete Media” under Insight in Capabilities for Vendor, Vendor is still able to delete product picture.


    • #66813
      WCFM Forum


      So when Admin set stock quantities for variable product and Vendor edits product price, then stock management is unset from product.
      – We are checking this.

      Also I found when I uncheck “Delete Media” under Insight in Capabilities for Vendor, Vendor is still able to delete product picture.
      – Well, this for deleting image from media. Not for dissociate image from product!

      Thank You

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