Limit Store Space Size by Membership

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  • Author
    • #79775
      Jamie O’Reilly

      Hi. Is it possible to limit the space size for stores depending on the membership type so that basic package members get up to say 100MB for their store, medium level membership gets 150MB space for their stores and top-level membership gets 200MB space for their store?


    • #79777

      Hi Jamie

      yes, thats possible to do with the groups & staff plugin,

      you can create a group and provide the capability for it as required then assign that group to a membership

      this is how I have done it


    • #79962
      WCFM Forum


      yes, thats possible to do with the groups & staff plugin,

      – Yeah, that’s right. But you will require WCFM Ultimate ( as well for this as “Limit Capabilities” are come with this addon –

      Thank You

    • #88059
      Jamie O’Reilly

      The bit I don’t understand is how to ‘assign that group to a membership’. Please advise. Thanks

    • #88061
      Jamie O’Reilly

      Sorry, I understand now. What happens though if you introduce a limit a membership plan to 50 products but there’s already one or two members of that plan that have more than 50 products. Will it simply stop them from adding any more or will it in some way cause an error on their shop?


    • #88452
      WCFM Forum


      I understand now. What happens though if you introduce a limit a membership plan to 50 products but there’s already one or two members of that plan that have more than 50 products. Will it simply stop them from adding any more or will it in some way cause an error on their shop?

      – Well, then this limit will not applicable to them. It will be best to set personalize capability for such vendors.

      Thank You

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