Disable text editor in frontend

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  • Author
    • #11546

      Hi. I would like to disable the text editors in the frontend so that vendors cant do formatted text and links and so on in the description fields and wherever else this editor is showing up in the frontend. I just need them to have normal text areas instead of the editors. What would be the best or easiest way to do so?

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    • #11582
      WCFM Forum

      Sorry for a bit delayed reply.

      Yeah sure, we will add such a capability in our next update.

      Thanks for cooperation ..

    • #11604

      Great, thank you

    • #11610
      WCFM Forum


      WCfM 2.5.1 has just released.

      It allowing to control such capability for your vendors, hope this will helpful for you.

      If you have any further issue feel free to reach us anytime.

      I am closing this thread for now.

      Thank You

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