I need to set the minimum cart value per store

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Feature Request I need to set the minimum cart value per store

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  • Author
    • #83562
      Cap Luis

      I need to set the minimum amount to close an order per store! I’m dealing with a food market. For them to deliver their products, the minimum order would be 200.00. I cannot make deliveries below this value.

      If I want to buy products from a certain food market, I need to respect the limit of all of them, if each market has a minimum order of 200.00. If I add products from 2 markets, I need to have a total cart of 400.00.

      Or I have the option to keep products from a single market.

      There are several plugins that do this by category, but that doesn’t work for me, because a category that contains “foods” can be used by a store that sells individual foods with a “cake”.

      So having an option in WCFM to limit this per store would be critical.

      Does this already exist? could you provide me a code for my purpose.

    • #83582
      WCFM Forum
    • #84543
      Cap Luis

      I set a “500,00” option exactly this way.

      I see the information on the product page, but when I finish the order I can checkout without problems with values below 500,00

    • #84909
      Cap Luis


    • #84920

      I have the same issue. Minimal threshold code as described in tweaks docs not working at all.

    • #86071
      WCFM Forum

      Are you able to access cart/checkout page?

    • #86189
      WCFM Forum

      Kindly show me your code screenshot. Where you have added this?

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