Amin CSV produt export by store vendor

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM Amin CSV produt export by store vendor

Viewing 7 reply threads
  • Author
    • #107891
      Cap Luis

      I had seen something in the changelog related to this issue! it is possible for me to export products from a specific store and not the entire catalog of the site, from the view of admin

    • #107992

      Hi there Cap, I was wondering the same thing. As a manager/admin I would like to select specific vendors in the marketplace and export (as a csv) their product list as opposed to the entire category (as you said). Do you know if this is possible? Thanks


      • #108032
        Cap Luis

        That was never possible! I had already asked that question.

        But I had recently seen in the changelog of an update something related to this issue, I didn’t read it wrong and if it was implemented, I didn’t find a way to do it, Let’s see what they say

    • #108661
      WCFM Forum


      I had seen something in the changelog related to this issue! it is possible for me to export products from a specific store and not the entire catalog of the site, from the view of admin

      – Sure, you may import for vendors as Admin.

      You have to add “Store” column in your CSV for the purpose and specify that vendor’s id in that column.

      Thank You

    • #108766
      Cap Luis

      Okay, my main question is to “export” products off the website, from a single vendors.

    • #108834
      Molay Das


      You can’t export products of a specific vendor as admin, you can export product type wise but not of a single vendor.


    • #109059
      Robo Kopy

      Olá Luiz, me desculpe por me intrometer nesse tópico, mas estou tentando solucionar o problema com o Wirecard que dá o erro (“2020-02-27T15:35:15+00:00 ERROR Wirecard access token is not found.”).

      Queria saber se você conseguiu resolver? O ajuste teve que ser feito onde, na Wirecard ou no WCFM?

      Se puder me informar ficarei grato.


      Kleber Costa

      • #109080
        Cap Luis

        Pra falar bem a verdade, meu marketplace no momento se tornou mais um catálogo, e nesse caso abandonei os esforços em fazer isso funcionar! nas época tinha dito que era problema com a conta sandbox, mas nunca consegui confirmar.

        Sinto muito.

    • #109214
      Robo Kopy

      Puts, que saco heim. Mas, beleza, vou continuar a saga, rsrsr.

      Valeu, muito obrigado.

    • #109859
      WCFM Forum


      Olá Luiz, me desculpe por me intrometer nesse tópico, mas estou tentando solucionar o problema com o Wirecard que dá o erro (“2020-02-27T15:35:15+00:00 ERROR Wirecard access token is not found.”).

      – You have to contact WIrecard support and ask them to publish your token.

      We have faced same issue at beginning then resolved after communicating with them directly. May check this –

      Thank You

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