How to use direct transfer?

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    • #92423

      For now, I want my vendors to be able to sell only through the manual method of direct bank transfer. In order to do that, I activated “Direct Bank Transfer” in woocomerce payment settings, and setting “Bank Transfer” as the only Withdraw Payment Method in WCFM Multivendor Marketplace. That way, all vendors are forced to choose direct transfer as their favourite payment method.

      My problem is that when a costumer wants to checkout, they never receive the bank information of the vendor.

      Am I missing some step?

      Note: The fields ‘bank_addr’, ‘routing_number’,’iban’,’swift’,’ifsc’ are left empty when a vendor is created.

    • #92518

      By the way, in the woocomerce checkout settings (in [base_url]/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout&section=bacs), I haven’t set any account details, and the list is empty, but it would be weird if I had to manually copy them if those details are already defined by each vendor in WCFM Multivendor Marketplace. Am I missing any step?

    • #93483

      Ok, after days struggling with this, I managed to hack my way out of this problem. This is what I had to add to the functions.php of my child theme:

      As you can see, this hack assumes that all items in the order are from the same vendor, this is because we use the plugin “Disable cart page for WooCommerce”, that’s why I didn’t bother to make the function to search all vendors inside the order, but that shouldn’t be hard to implement. Also, to make this work, I had to set up a dummy bank account in Woocommerce configuration, inside the Bank Transfer payment option. That’s the account that it’s dropped by array_shift().

      Honestly, I find weird that I had to write this code, I assumed that since vendors already can set up their bank account details, you would have implemented this already. I’m posting this solution to help the community since I doubt I’m the only one with this problem.

      Edit note: For some reason I couldn’t paste the code

    • #93522
      WCFM Forum


      Please use this code snippet for the purpose-

      Using this vendors will have separate setting tab “customer pay option”, where they will able to set their payment options an those will visible to customer’s order details and order email.

      Thank you

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