Bookings link to go to Bookings list not dashboard

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WC Bookings Bookings link to go to Bookings list not dashboard

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    • #79380

      Hi, in /store-manager/, when the Vendor clicks on Bookings I want it to take them directly to /store-manager/bookingslist/ instead of store-manager/bookings-dashboard/

      When I update the url for Bookings in the Menu Manager and click Save, the url seems to have been updated in the text field, but when the vendor clicks on Bookings it still goes to the dashboard. Can you please advise?


    • #79661
      WCFM Forum


      Disable that existing “Bookings” menu and add a new one with booking list url.

      Thank You

    • #79725

      This works – thanks so much 🙂

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