WC Lovers » All Posts https://wclovers.com/forums/forum/wc-subscriptions/feed/ Sat, 06 Apr 2024 09:38:40 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.9 en-US https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-payement-trial-period-bug/#post-145315 <![CDATA[Reply To: stripe payement /trial period bug]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-payement-trial-period-bug/#post-145315 Tue, 30 Jun 2020 15:32:17 +0000 cartindia.in https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/gocardless-payment-gateway-work-with-wcfm/#post-137492 <![CDATA[GoCardless Payment Gateway Work with WCFM?]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/gocardless-payment-gateway-work-with-wcfm/#post-137492 Mon, 01 Jun 2020 22:33:52 +0000 momentoustravelagency Hi,

Does GoCardless Payment Gateway work with WCFM?


https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wcfm-membership-stripe-recurring-payment-id-failed-with-fatal-error/#post-137388 <![CDATA[WCFM Membership – Stripe recurring payment ID failed with fatal error]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wcfm-membership-stripe-recurring-payment-id-failed-with-fatal-error/#post-137388 Mon, 01 Jun 2020 16:12:19 +0000 Viky Hello,
I’m trying to use integrated payment for membership subscription and I got a fatal error message on payment page when entiring my Stripe plan ID. I used the method describ here https://wclovers.com/blog/how-can-i-have-stripe-plan-id-for-recurring-membership-plan/ . Please note that I want to use integrated payment and NOT WC Product because I didn’t buy WC Subscription plugin (so don’t have Simple Subscription product type).
Here is the error message :

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘Stripe\Checkout\Session’ not found in /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/core/class-wcfmvm-frontend.php:1265 Stack trace: #0 /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/templates/vendor_payment.php(173): WCFMvm_Frontend->generate_stripe_request_form(‘1373’, 3) #1 /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/core/class-wcfmvm-template.php(38): include(‘/**’) #2 /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/includes/shortcodes/class-wcfmvm-shortcode-vendor-membership.php(56): WCFMvm_Template->get_template(‘vendor_payment….’) #3 /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/core/class-wcfmvm-shortcode.php(107): WCFM_Vendor_Membership_Shortcode::output(Array) #4 /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/core/class-wcfmvm-shortcode.php(30): WCFM in  /**/wp-content/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/core/class-wcfmvm-frontend.php on line 1265  

Thank you for help.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/membresia-catalogo-2/#post-134252 <![CDATA[Membresía catálogo.]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/membresia-catalogo-2/#post-134252 Fri, 22 May 2020 16:05:27 +0000 michaelayala29 Hola,

Deseo crear una membresía para que los vendedores puedan subir sus productos pero solo se pueden ver cómo catálogo y puedan subir una cantidad de productos, se puede hacer?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/direct-payment-of-memberships-by-paypal-2/#post-131291 <![CDATA[direct payment of memberships by paypal]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/direct-payment-of-memberships-by-paypal-2/#post-131291 Fri, 15 May 2020 07:59:55 +0000 Harold Feliz direct payment for affiliates of memberships by paypal is posible??

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wc-subscriptions-validate-email-function-not-working-when-wpml-is-active/#post-130780 <![CDATA[Reply To: WC Subscriptions "Validate email" function not working when WPML is active]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wc-subscriptions-validate-email-function-not-working-when-wpml-is-active/#post-130780 Thu, 14 May 2020 03:25:59 +0000 Sushobhan Hello,
The same bug is discussed here-
As per WPML-

Please note, this issue is fixed and the fix will be included in the upcoming version of the WooCommerce Multilingual 4.9.0.

If version 4.9.0 is not released yet, you can try the first link, there they have provided a temporary fix.
Looking forward to helping you.
Thank You!

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/subscription-plugin/#post-129359 <![CDATA[Reply To: Subscription Plugin]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/subscription-plugin/#post-129359 Mon, 11 May 2020 00:42:37 +0000 verrouillage.ma Thank you

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/subscription-plugin/#post-129102 <![CDATA[Reply To: Subscription Plugin]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/subscription-plugin/#post-129102 Sun, 10 May 2020 08:05:52 +0000 Avinaba As far as this moment, we have tested only WooCommerce Subscription and kwe can only recommend that. However, if any 3rd party plugin has added our support, then you can use that as well.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/subscription-plugin/#post-129081 <![CDATA[Subscription Plugin]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/subscription-plugin/#post-129081 Sun, 10 May 2020 06:12:51 +0000 verrouillage.ma Hello

I want to configure the subscription payment, and I would like to know if it is possible to use a different connection than the WooCommerce subscriptions, if there is another way please provide me with support for the configuration.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-payement-trial-period-bug/#post-127607 <![CDATA[stripe payement /trial period bug]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-payement-trial-period-bug/#post-127607 Wed, 06 May 2020 16:21:57 +0000 HM Hello,
I have an issue with my membership’s trial period with stripe it is set up for 30 days but it displays ”


jours gratuits” in place of “


jours gratuits”
Something within that plugin isn’t passing along the correct information to Stripe
you can see it here :

you can see that I have set up for 30 days on my stripe product here :

It’s in test mode so you can test it by yourself
I need help for that please 🙂

ALso I am still waiting for the response of this topic here : https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-payement-membership-bug-2/
In waiting for your response
Good to you

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/multiple-subscriptions-per-vendor/#post-126434 <![CDATA[Reply To: Multiple Subscriptions per Vendor]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/multiple-subscriptions-per-vendor/#post-126434 Mon, 04 May 2020 09:46:24 +0000 Sushobhan Hello,
Multiple membership per vendor isn’t possible. At anytime, a vendor can only subscribe under a single membership plan.
Though what you want to achieve can be done easily using Groups (You will require WCFM Groups & Staffs addon- https://wclovers.com/product/woocommerce-frontend-manager-groups-staffs/).
A vendor can be assigned to multiple groups. Then the vendor’s capability will be the union of all the allowed capabilities from both the groups.
Looking forward to helping you.
Thank You!

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/multiple-subscriptions-per-vendor/#post-125099 <![CDATA[Multiple Subscriptions per Vendor]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/multiple-subscriptions-per-vendor/#post-125099 Thu, 30 Apr 2020 13:56:29 +0000 Andrew Davis Hello-
I am working on creating a site for a multi-dealer antiques shop, and would like to use the memberships feature to track booth rent. As some dealers have multiple booths, I would like to be able to have multiple memberships per vendor. Is this possible?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wc-subscriptions-not-in-my-menu/#post-124523 <![CDATA[WC Subscriptions not in my menu]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wc-subscriptions-not-in-my-menu/#post-124523 Wed, 29 Apr 2020 06:46:09 +0000 dqnegative0 I cannot find the “WCFM – WooCommerce Multivendor Membership” tab in my settings anywhere. I also re-installed everything and still nothing. I have the commissions tab though.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/change-or-upgrade-membership/#post-123266 <![CDATA[change or upgrade membership]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/change-or-upgrade-membership/#post-123266 Sun, 26 Apr 2020 11:34:45 +0000 emmagrimberg Hello,

When registered user like to change or upgrade a membership he should pass the registration process once more?
How to prevent this issue?

thank you for support

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-login/#post-122552 <![CDATA[Reply To: Vendor Login]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-login/#post-122552 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 12:58:11 +0000 Sushobhan Hello,
Please Use my-account page (provided by WooCommerce) as your login page. You can do this by adding a menu that points to this page.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-login/#post-122485 <![CDATA[Vendor Login]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-login/#post-122485 Fri, 24 Apr 2020 09:03:26 +0000 Philip Sheehan Hi, I don’t see anywhere you can log in as a vendor once you have set up your store/account if you log out. I am assuming you click on the Store manager link, but if you have logged out as a vendor it only takes you to a blank page. Should there be some kind of login for here?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121394 <![CDATA[Reply To: Límite de productos: 0 restantes]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121394 Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:49:36 +0000 Sarmistha Chakraborty Hello,

POr que ya no me aparecen las opciones
>> Regarding “Features” you have to add the feature lists from WCFM strore dashboard -> Membership -> Settings -> Features . Then those features will display in each membership plan.

Kindly follow the discussion here – https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/membership-product-limit-0-remaining/


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https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121131 <![CDATA[Reply To: Límite de productos: 0 restantes]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121131 Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:52:19 +0000 wendel.amador POr que ya no me aparecen las opciones

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https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121129 <![CDATA[Reply To: Límite de productos: 0 restantes]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121129 Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:43:52 +0000 wendel.amador Donde le asigno la cantidad de productos por membresia, ya que el WCFM Marketplace normal tenía esta opción habilitada y ahora que compre el el ULTIMATE ya no la tiene?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121102 <![CDATA[Límite de productos: 0 restantes]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/limite-de-productos-0-restantes/#post-121102 Mon, 20 Apr 2020 17:55:25 +0000 wendel.amador Tengo un problema, a los nuevos vendedores no deja publicar mas productos que que dice que el “Límite de productos: 0 restantes”.
Que puedo configurar para arreglar este problema

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