How do I remove the 'Add to My Store Catalog'

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM How do I remove the 'Add to My Store Catalog'

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    • #74062


      Could someone help with this issue please?

      When a vendor is logged in and goes to another vendors single product page, an ‘Add to My Store Catalog’ button is visible under the product inquiry button.

      Could you please advise how to disable this or remove it?

      Thank you in advance.

    • #74064

      No worries I solved it.

      WCFM Settings > Menu Manager > Add to my store

    • #74372
      WCFM Forum


      Well, more convenient solution is to disable that module from WCFM Admin Setting -> Modules –

      Thank You

    • #147996

      Admin, please whenever I use the “add to store” feature by adding some products to my vendor profile, I dont see the products displaying on the main shopping website. Please how do i reconcile that?

      I’m using Marketo theme

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