Affiliate support Ticket, Temporary deactivation, vendor selling commission etc.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Affiliate Affiliate support Ticket, Temporary deactivation, vendor selling commission etc.


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    • #105622

      hello first of all I should say that your doing great and WCFM must powerful multi vendor Plugin that I ever seen.
      after that I need some new feature in Affiliate module:
      1-Support system: some times affiliate has no access to store admin and also maybe we don’t want to talk directly to affiliate! we need some ticket or chat box support in affiliate dashboard that make him to contact with store admin.
      2-Deactivation system admin should able to deactivate/active affiliate.
      3-Vendor selling commission for affiliate: in this scenario affiliate can share in refund of the vendor that registered by affiliate link.
      4. multi level affiliate: I didn’t see any option for multi level affiliate, I mean affiliate should able to present new affiliate and this two level can earn commission.
      5-affiliate report problem! why I cant sort affiliate list by commission or vendor etc…?
      6-Custom field: can i have custom field in affiliate registration?

    • #106392
      WCFM Forum


      1-Support system: some times affiliate has no access to store admin and also maybe we don’t want to talk directly to affiliate! we need some ticket or chat box support in affiliate dashboard that make him to contact with store admin.

      – We have this in plan, will add soon.

      2-Deactivation system admin should able to deactivate/active affiliate.

      – OK, will add.

      3-Vendor selling commission for affiliate: in this scenario affiliate can share in refund of the vendor that registered by affiliate link.

      – Sorry, not get this clearly!

      4. multi level affiliate: I didn’t see any option for multi level affiliate, I mean affiliate should able to present new affiliate and this two level can earn commission.

      – This is not supported right now.

      5-affiliate report problem! why I cant sort affiliate list by commission or vendor etc…?

      – We will add a separate Affiliate report section

      6-Custom field: can i have custom field in affiliate registration?

      – Yes, create custom registration field form WCFM Admin Setting -> Affiliate –

      Thank You

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