WC Lovers » All Posts https://wclovers.com/forums/feed/ Sat, 06 Apr 2024 09:07:34 +0000 https://bbpress.org/?v=2.6.9 en-US https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/the-fixed-commission-is-taken-per-product-and-not-per-order/#post-160871 <![CDATA[Reply To: The fixed commission is taken per product and not per order.]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/the-fixed-commission-is-taken-per-product-and-not-per-order/#post-160871 Tue, 04 Aug 2020 09:31:38 +0000 Jitske Naberman I checked, but this does not solve the problem. I still get commission per product and not per order. Only took some time to find out as most orders don’t contain more than one product.

Main problem could be that de filter is

add_filter( ‘wcfmmp_is_allow_commission_fixed_per_unit’, ‘__return_false’ );

However, my setup is not Fixed commission but Fixed + Percentage

Further more, the commission should also include tax (which it doesn’t) – can do a workaround for this by simply adding the tax in the fixed amount, but would not prefer that.

This really requires a reaction from the WCLovers team.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/how-to-remove-delivery-location-field/#post-160670 <![CDATA[Reply To: How to remove Delivery Location Field]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/how-to-remove-delivery-location-field/#post-160670 Tue, 04 Aug 2020 03:00:12 +0000 Dave Mark Vallega Go to Setting -> Geo Location -> uncheck Checkout User Location

it removed the Delivery Location field/map on the Checkout page

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/categorias-de-tiendas/#post-160590 <![CDATA[Reply To: Categorias de tiendas]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/categorias-de-tiendas/#post-160590 Mon, 03 Aug 2020 21:09:11 +0000 fselfene how i can do the same?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/store-invoice-not-showing-in-wcfm-settings/#post-160002 <![CDATA[Reply To: Store invoice not showing in wcfm settings]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/store-invoice-not-showing-in-wcfm-settings/#post-160002 Mon, 03 Aug 2020 04:06:32 +0000 karonany2 How to use store invoice without premium WCFM-Ultimate

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-buyer-direct-payment/#post-159972 <![CDATA[Reply To: Vendor buyer direct payment ?]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-buyer-direct-payment/#post-159972 Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:15:52 +0000 joemark0008 https://wordpress.org/plugins/bux-woocommerce/

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-buyer-direct-payment/#post-159971 <![CDATA[Reply To: Vendor buyer direct payment ?]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/vendor-buyer-direct-payment/#post-159971 Mon, 03 Aug 2020 00:05:53 +0000 joemark0008 https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/hiding-fields-3/#post-159697 <![CDATA[Reply To: Hiding fields]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/hiding-fields-3/#post-159697 Sat, 01 Aug 2020 23:06:51 +0000 Lwifunyo Mangula Hello, i suugest we can request features to be added for booking products: CAPABILITY FEATURES TO HIDE & PRE-SET FIELDS & TABS
– maybe hide availability tab
– maybe hide Booking Options tab
– hide adjacent buffering
– hide Requires confirmation?
– hide Enable Calendar Range Picker?
– preset Base cost to “10”
– preset All dates are… to “available by default”
– preset Restricted days to “monday,friday”

can we organise and unite to pay money to request these features to be added in native WCFM Ultimate?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/add-compatibility-for-woocommerce-extra-product-options/#post-159673 <![CDATA[Reply To: Add Compatibility for WooCommerce Extra Product Options]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/add-compatibility-for-woocommerce-extra-product-options/#post-159673 Sat, 01 Aug 2020 20:14:16 +0000 djouija +1 for this! 🙂

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/understanding-commission/#post-159147 <![CDATA[Reply To: Understanding "Commission"]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/understanding-commission/#post-159147 Fri, 31 Jul 2020 12:55:18 +0000 sohaiilbahrii I need help to understand how can I setup the following commissions in multi vendor store in India

1) product category wise commission (one vendor can have multiple products and hence multiple product categories commission has to be setup)


2) fixed closing fee on the basis of order value. For eg – order 1 between 0-500 will be charged fixed Rs. 10 and Order between 5001-1000 will be charged fixed Rs. 20


https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-3d-secure-and-sca/#post-159127 <![CDATA[Reply To: Stripe 3D Secure and SCA]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/stripe-3d-secure-and-sca/#post-159127 Fri, 31 Jul 2020 11:57:41 +0000 kuldeek Hi,

Is there an update on this. We have use case where we allow only single vendor products and use Stripe connect for splitting the commission. This worked fine with Credit card payments; but failed for debit card payments. Which turned out to be a SCA stuff mandatory for debit card payments in India. Now when we enabled SCA in WCFM; it changes charge type to Destination and complete amount goes to platform and vendor gets nothing. Can you please help me implement my use case. We have been struggling with this for few weeks now and our vendors are struggling a lot when their customers get payment error with debit cards; as we could not get it to work with SCA and Split connect direct charge for single vendor cart checkouts.

Kuldeep Kumar.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wcfm-integration-with-taxjar/#post-159015 <![CDATA[Reply To: WCFM integration with TaxJar]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/wcfm-integration-with-taxjar/#post-159015 Fri, 31 Jul 2020 07:55:02 +0000 MJin @wcloverjoy Have you gotten any resolution to Marketplace Facilitator Tax law? with TaxJar? or others?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/edit-the-layout-of-vendor-store/#post-158867 <![CDATA[Reply To: Edit the layout of Vendor Store]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/edit-the-layout-of-vendor-store/#post-158867 Fri, 31 Jul 2020 01:07:16 +0000 Italo Fortes vohra_imran how did you remove the novelty filter from the sidebar? I have this problem too

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/the-file-you-are-attempting-to-upload-is-too-large-the-max-file-size-is-500-kbs/#post-158581 <![CDATA[Reply To: The file you are attempting to upload is too large. The max file size is 500 KBs]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/the-file-you-are-attempting-to-upload-is-too-large-the-max-file-size-is-500-kbs/#post-158581 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 14:44:05 +0000 woodmakers.ca It turned out to be a conflicting plugin. I think it was a theme based one

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158508 <![CDATA[Reply To: Whatsapp]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158508 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 13:00:50 +0000 mariano ro I’m desperate.

Clients have been gone for 1 year and now much faster!

Who is going to want to be in a slow web … and without whastapp?

Understand the importance¿

I am sorry to be dense with the subject. But do I have to save my business.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158500 <![CDATA[Reply To: Whatsapp]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158500 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 12:38:27 +0000 mariano ro I need exactly this: magecomp.com/magento-2-multivendor-whatsapp-contact-pro.html

we need speed in the connection otherwise we will disappear.

Today all marketplaces are in crisis.

Facebook (MARKETPLACE) always beats us. It is a thousand times faster. It is understood why I insist

I’m going to have to close this business if I don’t solve this.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158493 <![CDATA[Reply To: Whatsapp]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158493 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 12:30:06 +0000 mariano ro Yes, today everything happens through Whastapp. Customers ask me every day and nobody will solve the problem for me.

You have to understand Facebook Markplace is going to keep the whole business.

We need this at Wclovers.com


they should take it into account.

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158478 <![CDATA[Reply To: Whatsapp]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/whatsapp/#post-158478 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 11:39:23 +0000 Gregorio posted same request this morning on an other old post on WP forum. I would add whatsapp to the two other chat services that are currently available

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/invoice-custom-fields/#post-158260 <![CDATA[Reply To: Invoice Custom Fields]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/invoice-custom-fields/#post-158260 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 07:27:41 +0000 pankaj.g PDF Invoice Premium Templates are not working with WCFM. What to do now? also customized field through pdf invoice customizer also not showing on WCFM invoice

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/invoice-custom-fields/#post-158257 <![CDATA[Reply To: Invoice Custom Fields]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/invoice-custom-fields/#post-158257 Thu, 30 Jul 2020 07:26:31 +0000 pankaj.g PDF Invoice Premium Templates are not working with WCFM. What to do now?

https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/the-file-you-are-attempting-to-upload-is-too-large-the-max-file-size-is-500-kbs/#post-158060 <![CDATA[Reply To: The file you are attempting to upload is too large. The max file size is 500 KBs]]> https://wclovers.com/forums/topic/the-file-you-are-attempting-to-upload-is-too-large-the-max-file-size-is-500-kbs/#post-158060 Wed, 29 Jul 2020 20:04:47 +0000 Ivan Djomegni I’m curious about this as well. I’m getting the same error.
