WCFM Marketplace Conflict with Ultimate Membership Pro Registration.

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Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin | WCFM Marketplace Forums WCFM – Marketplace (WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace) WCFM Marketplace Conflict with Ultimate Membership Pro Registration.

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  • Author
    • #30658
      Dan Eng

      Hi Team,
      I have purchased all of your plugins and was migrating from WC Marketplace to WCFM Marketplace.
      However, I came across an issue where my vendors will be registering through Marketplace plugins while users will be managed by Ultimate Membership Pro.

      The Ultimate Membership Pro register page used to work, but once WCFM Marketplace been activated, the register will be blank.
      Can you spend some time to look into this issue? I would think that some other users will have the same issue as I am having now.

      I would really want to use WCFM Marketplace instead of WC Marketplace.
      Thanks for your support.

    • #30835
      WCFM Forum


      Well, first of all it does not matter whether you are using WCFM Marketplace or WC Marketplace.

      It’s only concern of vendor registration.

      Is your “Ultimate Membership Pro” compatible with all these multi-vendor plugins and able to register vendors properly?
      Please talk to this plugin’s author.

      WCFM own Membership module is there for the purpose – https://wordpress.org/plugins/wc-multivendor-membership/
      It’s also there in your site and responsible for vendor’s normal registration, you may not use it’s membership options.

      Thank You

    • #30871
      Dan eng
      This reply has been marked as private.
    • #30873
      WCFM Forum


      “Once I disable wcfm marketplace, the user register plugin (ultimate membership pro) works well” – are you also disable WCFM Membership at that time?

      I think there has some configuration issues, as WCFM has no connection with “ultimate membership pro”, then how it’s conflicting.

      Between, are you trying to same page for both registration or set in page setting?

      I will definitely resolve this for you, but I don’t require any fee (thanks for the offer), please share your site access with me to check all this configurations – https://wclovers.com/contact-us/

      Thank You

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